Lean enterprise


About TPM, 5S

Where to find answers to these top management burning questions?

  • Why was the QMS created and certified?
  • Where is the real benefit that can be touched, felt in the form of money?
  • Why can’t we reduce the time it takes to develop and launch new products, and why are we losing the market?
  • Why do you have to turn down customers because you can’t produce products in the required time, and they leave us?
  • Why is the percentage of defects and production time not reduced?
  • Why does the equipment break down?

There are many little things, such as the awkward movements of a worker in certain operations, that no one pays attention to. But all production consists entirely of such trifles, which can proliferate and, overlapping, create very serious problems (Henry Ford) In real life, unproductive costs, such as waiting in lines, unnecessary movements, etc., usually remain hidden and are difficult to recognize and eliminate… to implement the Toyota production system in an enterprise, it is necessary to develop a clear understanding of what should be considered such unproductive costs. Unless all possible sources of such costs are identified, the successful operation of the company remains a pipe dream (Taiichi Ono, 1988).

The 5S technique involves streamlining the workplace by performing the following operations:

  • Getting rid of everything unnecessary
  • Rational placement of the remaining necessary things
  • Conducting cleaning of the workspace
  • Standardization of all works
  • Continuous improvement of operations

The seeming simplicity of this methodology may call into question whether it can have an impact on such performance indicators as increased productivity or reduced defectiveness. However, the experience of such world-renowned firms as FORD, TOYOTA and many others shows that this system is the basis and pivot of all subsequent transformations and improvements.

This methodology seeks to change the ideology of the worker, who must view everything around him in terms of the possibility of improvement. In other words, “Everything that can be improved must be improved” is the basic idea and focus of this methodology.

It should be noted that all the provisions of this system are successfully applied by us in everyday life and, for some reason, are not willingly used in the workplace.

We get rid of old things in our home; we sign the various containers of sugar, flour, pepper and salt in the kitchen and place them according to their frequency of use. We regularly clean our apartment or house, and we do so according to certain rules that we have established on a subconscious level. We are constantly trying to improve our homes. All this is a matter of course, and no one forces us to perform these activities. On the other hand, we are constantly faced with such worldly difficulties as searching for the TV remote control, finding a shirt or other piece of clothing, and so on. And all this happens for one simple reason – there are no established, known to all family members places to store this or that item.

The same thing happens in the enterprise. We can wait a long time for the person who went to get tools or spare parts because there is no storekeeper, no one knows where the thing is or who took it, we lose time looking for the key to the store room because no one knows where it is. There are also losses due to awkward or unnecessary movements that workers make while on the job. Simple arithmetic: if we spend 30 seconds during work to get an item, and we do this operation 200 times, then we spend 100 minutes per shift. Now do the math, if we can reduce the time to find that item from 30 seconds to 10 seconds, we can save over an hour of work time. It is the elimination of all types of non-productive costs that this methodology is aimed at. It is not an easy task, but it is a necessary path if we want to create an efficient enterprise, which will bring us benefit and pleasure.

The TPM system is based on the 5S system mentioned earlier. TPM system refers to the system of equipment maintenance, and its idea is to carry out productive (effective) maintenance of equipment throughout the entire life cycle by all personnel.

The most important distinguishing feature of TPM is the independent maintenance of equipment by operators, without which it is impossible to implement the principle “I take care of my equipment myself”.

In addition, as can be seen from the definition of TPM, one of the foundations of this system – the desire to reduce various losses to zero, the so-called “drive to zero.

What TPM can do for a company?

A qualitative improvement in the condition of the plant is achieved with TPM by a coordinated change in two factors. First: operators must be able to perform daily maintenance of equipment independently, support workers (mechanics, etc.) must be able to continuously maintain the performance of high-tech equipment, engineers must be able to design the equipment. Second: Improvement of equipment.

Quality management tools.

The quality management system is an integral part of the overall management system of the enterprise. Quality management is carried out using quality management tools aimed at improving the quality of products or services provided.

The main goal of the quality management system is to meet the requirements of needs. Quality management tools are aimed primarily at achieving compliance of the company’s results with the needs of customers, consumers, partner organizations, the company itself and the public.

Quality management tools contribute to the implementation of quality management system tactics, which involves:

  • defect prevention;
  • Motivating employees to actively work to improve product quality;
  • development and implementation of an active management strategy;
  • preventive and corrective measures aimed at continuous improvement of quality indicators;
  • implementation of scientific approaches to effectively address emerging challenges;
  • periodic assessment of the performance of the quality management system and the quality of products manufactured.

Quality management tools are designed to implement the eight basic principles of quality management system laid down in the international system of ISO 9000 standards:

  • customer focus – orientation of the company’s activities on the current and anticipated needs of actual and potential customers;
  • the primary role of the leader – the implementation of the mission and specific goals of the company through the efforts of a charismatic strong-willed leader, who is able to direct the company in the right direction in a competitive market and limited resources;
  • Motivational involvement of employees – motivation and involvement in the process of improving the company’s main resource – its employees;
  • process approach – achieving goals and necessary changes through the processes of the quality management system;
  • Systemic management – taking into account all aspects of activity and factors affecting the company;
  • Continuous improvement – cyclical quality management processes;
  • fact-based management – taking into account all possible measurements, calculations and data when making decisions;
  • Bilateral relations with suppliers – cooperation with supplier companies on mutually beneficial terms.